Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Newspaper Boxes an Eyesore Says Mayor

Read in The Mississauga News that the Mayor, Hazel McCallion, said that newspaper boxes are an eyesore. Especially those that aren't filled with papers and stay empty at all times. And too much litter around it or thrown into the empty newspaper box. I agree with that part. However, I've noticed the bigger papers are pretty good at removing their newspaper boxes if they're not going to be delivering there anymore. But there is a Homes box near me with litter in it. Been here for over 6 months. Maybe even more.

She also said that if the Mississauga News, which now publishes only 3-times a week(Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday)was a daily there wouldn't be as much litter. Huh? If it was a daily doesn't that mean there'd be more litter because there are more issues since some people are too lazy to actually throw papers into the recycling bin or garbage.

Oh yeah, she said if people complain and they want a newspaper box removed it will be removed. That's fine. But how many people have to complain? 1? 5? 25? 50? If it's one person leave the newspaper box. If over 20 people complain then think about it and if 50 or more people complain then remove it.

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